

Ventegodt (1997): study DK 1993


Ventegodt, S.
Livskvalitet og Omstaedigheder Tidligt I Livet. (The Quality of Life and Factors in Pregnancy, Birth and Infancy).
Forskningscentrets Forlag, 1997, Copenhagen, Denmark


31-33 aged, born at the university hospital, Denmark, 1993
Non-probability chunk sample
N = 4626
Non Response
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)
Data were taken from the medical files of mothers and their babies

Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings

Full text:
Single direct question:

How are you feeling now....?
5  very good
4  good
3  neither good nor poor
2  poor
1  very poor
Author's label:
immediate self-experienced well-being
The 5 verbal answer-categories were transformed to
percentage of a theoretical maximum(=100%)
1 = very poorly   -> 10%
2 = poorly            -> 30%
3 = neither /nor  -> 50%
4 = good              -> 70%
5  = very good   -> 90%
The score of the mean was 71,9%  SD was 17,12%
See Ventegodt, 1995: Measuring the Quality of Life, page 64-67
The mean and distribution figures taken from Ventegodt 1996: The Quality of Life of 4500 31-35-year-olds page 422
Page in publication:
Observed distribution
1: 0.7%,   2: 4.6%,   3: 14.3%,   4: 45.3%,   5: 35.1%   (total 100%)
Summary Statistics
On original range 1 - 5 On range 0-10
4.10 7.74
0.86 2.14
Full text:
Self report on single question:

'How satisfied are you with your life now?'
5  very satisfied
2  satisfied
3  neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
2  dissatisfied
1  very dissatisfied
Author's label:
life satisfaction

Original text in Danish:
'Hvor tilfreds er du med dit liv for tiden?'
5  meget tilfreds
4  tilfreds
3  hverken tilfreds eller utilfreds
2  utilfreds
1  meget  utilfreds

The 5 verbal answer-categories were transformed to percentage of a theoretical maximum(=100%)
1 = very poorly   -> 10%
2 = poorly            -> 30%
3 = neither /nor  -> 50%
4 = good              -> 70%
5  = very good   -> 90%
The mean score was 69,3% and SD was 17,86%
See Ventegodt, 1995: Measuring the Quality of Life, page 64-67
The mean and distribution figures taken from Ventegodt 1996: The Quality of Life of 4500 31-35-year-olds page 424
Page in publication:
Observed distribution
1: 1%,   2: 6.8%,   3: 15.3%,   4: 48.5%,   5: 28.5%   (total 100.1%)
Summary Statistics
On original range 1 - 5 On range 0-10
3.97 7.41
0.89 2.23
Full text:
Self report on single question

How happy are you now?
5  very happy
4  happy
3  neither happy nor unhappy
2  unhappy
1  very unhappy
Author's label:
The 5 verbal answer-categories were transformed to
percentage of a theoretical maximum(=100%)
1 = very poorly   -> 10%
2 = poorly            -> 30%
3 = neither /nor  -> 50%
4 = good              -> 70%
5  = very good   -> 90%
The mean score was 66,2% and SD was 16,35%
See Ventegodt, 1995: Measuring the Quality of Life, page 64-67
The mean and distribution figures taken from Ventegodt 1996: The Quality of Life of 4500 31-35-year-olds page 426
Observed distribution
1: 0.7%,   2: 3.1%,   3: 31.4%,   4: 44.3%,   5: 20.5%   (total 100%)
Summary Statistics
On original range 1 - 5 On range 0-10
3.81 7.03
0.82 2.04

Correlational Findings

Author's label Subject Description Finding Maternal factors: overview Parents income
Condition of mother during pregnancy
Pregnancy and birth Pregnant
Prenatal conditions
Birth process
First year of life: health and social development Earlier physical health
Physical condition in 1st year of life
General impression mother and child in the first year In recent past
Own post-partum condition
Mother's age at birth. Age of parents Mother's height at birth Body of parents Under-/ overweight of the mother at birth Condition of mother during pregnancy
Body of parents
Mother's blood type Body of parents Mother's congenital malformations Illness in family
Physical condition of mother during pregnancy
Mother's illness before pregnancy Illness in family
Physical condition of mother during pregnancy
Treatment of the mother before pregnancy Physical condition of parents
Medical history of parents
Earlier complications during pregnancy of mother or birth Physical condition of parents
Condition of mother during pregnancy
Mother's post partum conditions Mothers post-partum condition
Physical health of parents
Family situation at age 1 Earlier family of origin
Earlier housing
Social condition in 1st year of life
How clothes are washed at age 1 Earlier health-behavior Mother's marital status at birth Relation between parents
Condition of mother during pregnancy
Being adopted Non-biological child
Social condition in 1st year of life
Mother's marital status at age 1 Relation between parents Father's age at birth Physical condition of parents
Age of parents
Father's congenital malformations Illness in family
Physical condition of parents
Parents' sexual intercourse during pregnancy Parents marital satisfaction
Prenatal conditions
Mother's number of pregnancies Fertility of parents Pregnancies:outcome of mother's previous pregnancies Mother's earlier abortions
Mother's earlier pregnancies
Fertility of parents
Parents' use of contraceptives Birth planning by parents Mother's employment during pregnancy Working mother
Condition of mother during pregnancy
Mother's employment during the first year of life Working mother
Social condition in 1st year of life
Mother's full-day employment during the first year of life Working mother
Social condition in 1st year of life
Social status of mother at age 1 Socio-economic background (earlier for adults, current for young)
Condition of mother during pregnancy
Breadwinner-parent education Parents education Mother's work with chemicals during pregnancy Condition of mother during pregnancy
Health behavior of parents
Pregnancy in weeks Birth process Treatment of mother during pregnancy Condition of mother during pregnancy Virus symptoms in mother during pregnancy Illness in family
Condition of mother during pregnancy
Mother's smoking in third trimester of pregnancy Earlier use of stimulants
Condition of mother during pregnancy
Mother's medication during pregnancy Parents characteristics
Medical treatment of mother during pregnancy
Mothers medication during pregnancy Condition of mother during pregnancy
Medical history of parents
Mother's barbiturate use during pregnancy Medical treatment of mother during pregnancy
Medical history of parents
Mother's use of barbiturates during pregnancy: periods Medical treatment of mother during pregnancy
Medical history of parents
Mother's exposure to radiation before pregnancy Medical treatment of mother during pregnancy
Medical history of parents
Mother's exposure to radiation during 1st trimester of pregnancy Condition of mother during pregnancy
Medical history of parents
Mother's staining during pregnancy Condition of mother during pregnancy Mother's bleeding during pregnancy Illness in family
Condition of mother during pregnancy
Mother's complications during pregnancy Illness in family
Birth process
Mother's weight gain during pregnancy Weight
Condition of mother during pregnancy
Mother's edema during pregnancy Illness in family
Condition of mother during pregnancy
Condition of the placenta at birth Condition of placenta Subcutaneous fat layer at birth Earlier body characteristics
Condition at birth
Onset of delivery Birth process Duration of delivery Birth process Reasons for long delivery Birth process Medication of mother shortly before birth Medical treatment of mother during pregnancy
Birth process
Anesthesia of mother during delivery Birth process Delivery ward where born Birth process Birth complications when born Birth process Manner of delivery when born Birth process Fetal position when born BIRTH HISTORY (own birth)
Birth process
Being twin or triplet Birth order
Twin or triplet child
Birth process
Blood relation between parents Body of parents
Mother's rejection of pregnancy Attitudes of parents Mother's abortion attempts Attitudes of parents
Hardship in family of origin
Mother's earlier abortions
Condition at birth Earlier body characteristics
Condition at birth
Weight at birth Earlier body characteristics
Condition at birth
Length at birth Earlier body characteristics
Condition at birth
Blood-type at birth Earlier body characteristics
Condition at birth
Male sex Sex: male (vs female) Institutionalized shortly after birth Ever lived in an institutional setting
Social condition in 1st year of life
Pre- or postmature birth Birth process
Condition at birth
Diseases in first year of life Earlier physical health
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Number of diseases in the first year of life Earlier physical health
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Surgical intervention in the first year of life Earlier medical treatment
Medical treatment in 1st year of life
Accidents in first year of life Earlier physical health
Earlier victimization (ever victimized)
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Treatment and profylaxis in first year of life Medical treatment in 1st year of life
Dietary treatment
Earlier inoculations
Pulse and respiration right after birth Condition at birth Time elapsed from birth to 10th breath by minutes Birth process Time to first regular cry after birth Birth process Special treatment right after birth Earlier medical treatment
Birth process
Medical treatment in 1st year of life
Technique(s) of medical treatment
Signs of brain damage Earlier handicap
Earlier physical health
Physical defects
Highest bilirubin value shortly after birth Condition at birth
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Hearing reflexes shortly after birth Reflexes after birth Spontaneous activity shortly after birth Condition at birth Muscle tone shortly after birth Development of one's body Visual function shortly after birth Condition at birth Sucking reflex shortly after birth Reflexes after birth
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Sucking reflex shortly after birth Condition at birth
Reflexes after birth
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Gripping reflex of hand shortly after birth Reflexes after birth
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Plantar reflex shortly after birth Condition at birth
Reflexes after birth
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Patellar reflex shortly after birth and one year Reflexes after birth
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Crawling reflex shortly after birth Reflexes after birth
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Hanging reflex Reflexes after birth
Own post-partum condition
Walking reflex shortly after birth Condition at birth
Reflexes after birth
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Moro reflex shortly after birth Reflexes after birth
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Crying shortly after birth Crying often
Reflexes after birth
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Rhesus type at birth Earlier body characteristics
Condition at birth
Transfusion due to rhesus type shortly after birth Physical defects
Medical treatment in 1st year of life
Congenital deformities at birth Earlier handicap
Physical defects
Hemoglobin at birth Earlier body characteristics
Condition at birth
Abnormal health conditions shortly after birth Earlier handicap
Earlier physical health
Physical defects
Abnormal appearance shortly after birth Earlier appearance
Earlier physical health
Condition at birth
Abnormal appearance shortly after birth Earlier appearance
Earlier physical health
Condition at birth
Head circumference at birth Earlier appearance
Earlier body characteristics
Condition at birth
Health shortly after birth Earlier physical health
Physical defects
Diet shortly after birth Development of nutrition
Own post-partum condition
Vitamin supplements shortly after birth Development of nutrition
Own post-partum condition
Treatment right after birth Earlier medical treatment
Medical treatment in 1st year of life
Technique(s) of medical treatment
Abnormal pulse and respiration shortly after birth Earlier physical health
Condition at birth
Cranium right after birth Condition at birth Examinig doctor shortly after birth Medical treatment in 1st year of life
Setting of medical treatment
Earlier health inspection
Head growth shortly after birth Earlier body characteristics
Development in 1st year of life
Birth defects Earlier body characteristics
Earlier handicap
Earlier physical health
Physical defects
Hospitalization in the first year of life Ever lived in an institutional setting
Earlier physical health
Medical treatment in 1st year of life
Earlier hospitalization
Illness in the first year of life Earlier physical health
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Age of first head lifting Change in body
Reflexes after birth
Development in 1st year of life
Age of first smile Change in body
Earlier expressiveness
Reflexes after birth
Development in 1st year of life
Age of first holding head up Change in body
Development in 1st year of life
Age of first reach for objects Development in 1st year of life Age of first sitting without support Change in body
Development in 1st year of life
Age of first crawling without support Change in body
Development in 1st year of life
Age of first standing with support Development in 1st year of life Age of first walking with support Change in body
Development in 1st year of life
Age of first standing without support Change in body
Development in 1st year of life
Age of first walking without support Change in body
Development in 1st year of life
Eye defects at age 1 Earlier physical health
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Change of weight shortly after birth Weight
Development in 1st year of life
Vitamin supplements in first year of life Development of nutrition
Medical treatment in 1st year of life
Age when first eggs are eaten Development of nutrition
Development in 1st year of life
Age when first meat eaten Development of nutrition
Development in 1st year of life
Age when first solid food eaten Development of nutrition
Development in 1st year of life
Age when first mashed vegetables eaten Development of nutrition
Development in 1st year of life
Age when eating with spoon Development in 1st year of life Age of first tooth Change in body
Development in 1st year of life
Iron treatment in first half year of life Development of nutrition
Medical treatment in 1st year of life
Weight at age one Weight
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Height at age one Earlier body characteristics
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Head circumference at age one Earlier body characteristics
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Chest circumference at age one Earlier body characteristics
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Hemoglobin percentage at age one Earlier body characteristics
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Size of fontanella at age one Earlier body characteristics
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Fatness at age one Earlier body characteristics
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Condition of teeth at age one Earlier body characteristics
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Number of teeth at age one Earlier body characteristics
Development in 1st year of life
Congenital malformations in siblings Characteristics of siblings Institutionalized residence in first year of life Length of current stay in institution
Social condition in 1st year of life
Age when breastfeeding was stopped Development of nutrition
Own post-partum condition
Paediatric checks in first year of life Earlier health inspection Pertussis vaccinations in first year of life Medical treatment in 1st year of life
Earlier inoculations
Tetanus vaccinations in first year of life Medical treatment in 1st year of life
Earlier inoculations
Polio vaccination in first year of life Medical treatment in 1st year of life
Earlier inoculations
BCG vaccination (tuberculosis) in first year of life Medical treatment in 1st year of life
Earlier inoculations
Muscle tone at one-year Earlier body characteristics
Earlier physical health
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Ability to stand at age one Earlier body characteristics
Development in 1st year of life
Acromioclavicle reflex at age one Earlier body characteristics
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Development in 1st year of life
Biceps reflex at age one Earlier body characteristics
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Development in 1st year of life
Achilles reflex at age one Earlier body characteristics
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Development in 1st year of life
Skin conditions at age one Earlier physical health
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Docter's impression of health at age one Earlier body characteristics
Earlier physical health
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Pulse and respiration at age one Earlier physical health
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Development in 1st year of life
Abnormal health conditions at age one Earlier body characteristics
Earlier physical health
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Skeletal abnormalities at age one Earlier body characteristics
Earlier physical health
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Development in 1st year of life
Ectopic testicles at age one Earlier physical health
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Mother's bleeding during pregnancy with intercourse Illness in family
Condition of mother during pregnancy
Plantar reflex at one year Reflexes after birth
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Housing situation at age 1 Earlier family of origin
Earlier housing
Social condition in 1st year of life
Hospitalisation in first year in months Developments in institutional living
Evaluation of current situation of nation
Medical treatment in 1st year of life
Social condition in 1st year of life
Earlier hospitalization
Ability to sit after 1 year Change in body
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Development in 1st year of life
Iron treatment in second half year of life Development of nutrition
Medical treatment in 1st year of life
Sickness at age one Earlier physical health
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Fauces at age one Earlier body characteristics
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Months institutionalized residence in first year of life Length of current stay in institution
Social condition in 1st year of life
Pediatric checks on first year of life Earlier health inspection Pertussis vaccination, manner of administration Medical treatment in 1st year of life
Earlier inoculations
Tetanus vaccination, administration Medical treatment in 1st year of life
Earlier inoculations
Polio vaccination, administration Medical treatment in 1st year of life
Earlier inoculations
Ability to walk at age one Earlier body characteristics
Development in 1st year of life
Position legs and toes at age one Earlier body characteristics
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Tumors of the lymph nodes at age one Earlier physical health
Physical condition in 1st year of life
Recent change in mother's marital status after birth Number of parents (broken home)
Relation between parents
Earlier life-events
Born from first pregnancy of mother Physical condition of mother during pregnancy
Birth sequala
Birth sequence in twin/triplet Birth order
Twin or triplet child
Time elapsed from birth to 10 breath roughly Birth process