
Correlational findings

Study Holloway & Carson (1999): study GB 1990

Mental patients, UK, followed 3 years,1990-1993
N = 70
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face


Authors's Label
Life Expierience Checklist (LEC)
Our Classification
Life Experience Checklist (LEC) [Ager 1990}
Selfreport on the follwing questions:

- My home has more rooms
- My home is well decoreated
- My home is carpeted and comfortable furniture
- My home has a garden
- I have never been attacked by someone at home
- I have never had anything of mine stolen from home
- I use a telephone at home at least once a week
- My home have a central heating
- Visitors have sometimes said how nice they think my home is
- I have my own room(or share with my partner only)

-I visit friends or relatives for a meal at least once a month
-I go to a cafe or restaurant for a  meal at least once a month
-I do some sport at leat once a month
-I go to a local club, class or      
meeting  at least once a month
-I go to the cinema or theatre at least once a month
-I go out to meet friends or relatives at least once a week
-I go away on holiday for at least two weeks each year
-I go to church (or some place) at least once a month
-I have a hoby or interst
-There is lots for me to do at home

-I have several close friends
-I feel loved and accepted by those who live with me
-I ame called by my first name by those who live with me
-Some peopple address me formally
-I am married or steady partner
-I have friends to stay with me at home at least once a year
-When I ame sad ther are people who listen to me and help me
-There are both men and women living in my home
-I stay overnight with friends at least once a year
-I get on well with my family

-I have several close friends
-I feel loved and accepted by those who live with me
-I ame called by my first name by those who live with me
-Some peopple address me formally
-I am married or steady partner
-I have friends to stay with me at home at least once a year
-When I ame sad ther are people who listen to me and help me
-There are both men and women living in my home
-I stay overnight with friends at least once a year
-I get on well with my family

-Local shops are a short walk away
-I travel by car or public transport at least once a week
-When I am sick I can get to see a dokter easily
-I cook meals at least once a week
-I can make myself drinks or snacks whenever I want do
-I do some jobs in the home
-I have a pet
-I  enjoy what I do during the day
-What I do during the day is help or value to others
-I am being taught some new skill

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-DT-u-sqt-v-7-a r = +.46 p < .000 O-DT-u-sqt-v-7-a rpc = +.48 p < .000 rpc controled for depression as measured with Beck Depression Inventory(BDI)