
Correlational findings

Study Pettay (2008a): study US 2006

University students, Illinois, USA, 2007
Survey name
Unnamed study
N = 796
Non Response
Questionnaire: Conputer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI)


Authors's Label
Use of stress management skills
Our Classification
Error Estimates
Cronbach alpha .79
M=21.98 , SD=4.63
Related specification variables
Selfreport on 7 questions:
a: I organize each day in order to accomplish activities that need to be completed
b: When unexpected interruptions or distractions happen to me, I am able to make adjustments and still get my nesessary tasks done
c:  I use unhealthy ways to relieve tension and anxiety that may occasionally build up in me
d: I stay positive in my attitudes and thoughts about tasks and objectives I want to achieve
e: When thinking or talking on my new endeavor, I am able to create a very clear picture of my goals and what I need to do to reach my goals
f:  When solving a problem I can look at the whole picture and analyze what can be done personal, social academic and work
1 rarely
2 sometimes
3 half the time
4 more frequently than not,
5 most of the time.

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks M-CO-u-mq-v-5-bc r = +.42 p < .01 All M-CO-u-mq-v-5-bc r = +.35 p < .01 Males only M-CO-u-mq-v-5-bc r = .45 p < .01 Females only M-CO-u-mq-v-5-bc Beta = .40 p < .001 All
rpc controled for other health behaviors
- stress mnagement
- Physical activity
M-CO-u-mq-v-5-bc rpc = .39 All
rpc controled for other health behaviors
- stress mnagement
- Physical activity