
Correlational findings

Study Lee (1978): study US Washington 1975

60+ aged marrieds, Washington State USA, 1975
N = 439
Non Response
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)


Authors's Label
Marital satisfaction
Our Classification
mean: males 21,7 females 21,0
sd: males 3,3 females 4,2
Related specification variables
A scale consisting of five items:
a. If you had it to do over again, would you marry the same person?
b. How satisfied are you with the love and affection you receive from your spouse?
c. How satisfied are you with the amount of understanding of your problems and feelings that you get from your spouse?
d. How satisfied are you with the amount of companionship you have-doing things with your spouse?
e. All things considered, how satisfied are you with your marriage overall?
Each item was scored according to a five-point response set; responses were summed to create the scale. A high score indicates high marital satisfaction.

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks M-ACO-u-mq-n-4-a r = +.38 p < .01 males M-ACO-u-mq-n-4-a Beta = +.25 males
beta controlled for
-length of marriage
-retired or not
-self perceived health
-satisfaction with standard of living
M-ACO-u-mq-n-4-a r = +.52 p < .01 females M-ACO-u-mq-n-4-a Beta = +.46 females
beta controlled for
-length of marriage
-employment status
-self perceived health
-satisfaction with standard of living