
Correlational findings

Study Suh et al. (1998): study ZZ World samples 1995

College students, 40 countries, 1995-1996
N = 6780
Non Response
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)


Authors's Label
emotional experience
Our Classification
Happiness measure type A-AB
Selfreport on 8 questions:
Using the scale below, indicate how often you feel each of the emotions below. Put a number from 1 to 7 to accurately reflect how much of the time when you are awake you feel that emotion. How much of the time during the PAST MONTH have you felt each emotion?
A  fear
B  affection
C  anger
D  joy
E  sadness
F  guilt
G  contentment
H  pride

1  never
2  slight amount (rare)
3  some of the time
4  about half the time
5  much of the time
6  almost always
7  always

Computation: (A+C+E+F)-(B+D+G+H)

Name: Diener's 'Affect Balance'

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-SLW-u-sq-v-7-a mr = +.46 p < .00 Nepal            r = +.07
Guam             r = +.17
Slovenia         r = +.24
Turkey           r = +.28
China            r = +.29
Ghana            r = +.32
Nigeria          r = +.33
Zimbabwe         r = +.34
Argentina        r = +.38
Greece           r = +.39
India            r = +.39
Indonesia        r = +.39
Bahrain          r = +.40
Brazil           r = +.40
Denmark          r = +.43
Germany          r = +.45
South Korea      r = +.45
Pakistan         r = +.46
Portugal         r = +.46
Thailand         r = +.46
Estonia          r = +.47
Japan            r = +.47
The Netherlands  r = +.47
Lithuania        r = +.48
Spain            r = +.48
Hungary          r = +.49
Peru             r = +.49
Colombia         r = +.50
Singapore        r = +.50
Italy            r = +.53
Taiwan           r = +.55
Australia        r = +.57
Hong Kong        r = +.57
South Africa     r = +.60
Finland          r = +.63
Austria          r = +.64
Norway           r = +.64
United States    r = +.64
Puerto Rico      r = +.68
Egypt            r = +.74

The correlations in collectivist societies ranged around .30 or less. In individualist nations this figure is around .60.