
Happiness Measures

Measures of Happiness: A-AB-g-mq-n-3-a


Affect: Affect Balance (Various) (A-AB)
Time frame:
generally (g)
multiple questions (mq)
Scale Type:
numeric scale (n)
Scale Range:


Self report on 60 questions

Thera are different kinds of feelings of happiness and unhappiness. Here are a large number of words and phrases describing these, those describing happiness at one side and those describing unhappiness at the other. Please put one check mark besides any that tell you THE WAY YOU OFTEN FEEL.. If two of more mean the same to you, mark them in the same way. Put two check marks in front of any that describes you ESPECIALLY WELL.

Aa   gloomy
Ab   cross
Ac   anxious
Ad   afraid
Ae   lonely
Af    dull
Ag   bored
Ah  uneasy
AI   ashamed
Aj   unlucky
Ak  feeling hurt
Al   struggling
Am  discouraged
An   everyone is against you
Ao   no pleasure in anything
Ap   think you are a failure
Aq   conscience hurts
Ar    you are getting worse and worse
As   restless
At    troubled
Au   sorrowful
Av   annoyed
Aw   impatient
Ax   repressed, held down
Ay   confused
Az   uncertain
Aaa embarrassed
Aab regretful
Aac in physical pain
Aad disconcerted
Aae full of longing
Ba   free
Bb   lucky
Bc   thrilled
Bd   laughing
Be   cheerful
Bf   peaceful
Bg   excited
Bh   safe and secure
Bji    successful
Bj     in tune with everything
Bk    jolly
Bl     enthusiastic
Bm   carefree
Bn   comfortable
Bo   contented
Bp   amused
Bq    full of life
Br   optimistic
Bs   satisfied
Bt   life full of interesting things
Bu   confident
Bv   things getting better
Bw   God is behind you
Byx  life entirely worthwhile
By    light-hearted
Bz    everyone is friendly to you
Baa  things are bound to turn out right
Bab  full of deep joy
Bac  everything goes right
Bad  life goes smoothly
Bae  your duty well done
Baf  when tackling something

0  no check mark
1  one check mark
2  two checkmarks

Computation: Average B minus average A

List of Studies Using this Measure

Study Population N Mean
Standard Deviation
Joshi (1964): study US California 1963 University students, California, United States, 1963 N = 81